What Are Your Food Hopes For 2022?

The future is uncertain, but we can always hope for good food.

Here we are in 2022 and who knows what's going to happen, but one thing I can always count on is new food. The best, the worst, the oddest combos and the most life-altering taste tests—2021 had a lot. But I'm confident 2022 will have even more food to get excited about.

In 2022, I'm personally looking forward to expanding my food horizons and even maturing my tastes a little bit. When I was a kid I only enjoyed buttered noodles (never a red sauce) and ketchup on just about all proteins, but over the years I can say I've managed to grow up (at least a little bit—still love some buttered noodles). Now 25 years old and heading to 26, I think it's time for another level up in my food game.

My short time at The Takeout has shown me there's so much food out there I've yet to try. At the end of 2021 alone, I managed to try illegal chips, Arby's vodka, and a McRib. Who knows what's going to make its way onto my plate in 2022? I may even challenge myself to try things I've previously said I do not like. Look out, tuna, maybe 2022 is the year of second chances.

Besides expanding my taste buds, it might also be time to up my cooking and baking skills. Over the holiday break, I went to a local used bookstore and as I browsed the food section I came across a type of journal I had never seen before. I found a bread journal. Yes, a literal journal with pages dedicated to documenting the baking and development of "the perfect loaf." The journal lets you chart your progress on one loaf of bread every week for an entire year. And it has a section to document your flour type, salt type, baking conditions, and crust and crumb descriptors for each finished product. Could this be my skill journey of the year? Only time will tell.

What do you hope to taste in 2022? Or do you have a different food plan for the year? Let us know in the comments.
