Reviews Policy

How The Takeout Approaches Reviews

At The Takeout, our goal is to help you make informed decisions about the food you're eating – which is why we're always happy to try it first. Our reviews of the latest grocery products and restaurant items aim to cut through the industry hype and give a clear and informative overview, so you can decide for yourself if a product is worth buying. We may be big fans of the food we try, or we may vow never to eat it again – either way, we promise to be honest about what we think.

We don't shy away from what is trending in an ever-expanding food market, but we are discerning about the products we review and place an emphasis on transparency and trustworthiness.

We like to have fun when we're trying new things, but our real focus is on a product's pros and cons. We're here to give you the full picture of a product before you head to the grocery store or out to a restaurant.

The Takeout Review Methodology

The Takeout reviews utilize a format that evaluates key indicators to provide readers with a thorough recommendation.

Our review process begins with a comparison of a large pool of similar products. This helps us to identify not only trends, but also the brands that are the most trustworthy and relevant. We then narrow down our selections on metrics including, but not limited to: price, availability, and standout features. Once we decide on a food product for review, a member of our editorial team samples the product and conducts an honest assessment of its value. Finally, we provide a clear and concise consumer recommendation to discuss the merits of the food product and how it might compare against alternatives of a similar price point.

The Takeout strives for a candid approach to every product, but we also recognize that reviews are subjective, and bias based on the reviewer's personal tastes may play a part. Consumers should compare this against their own preferences.

The overall goal of any review from The Takeout is to use both our expert analysis and personal opinion to provide a balanced, informative, and enjoyable reading experience.

Embargoes and Review Samples

We respect all embargoes that are set by manufacturers when receiving early access to products.

To submit products for review, please email us at .

For more information about our privacy policies, fact checking, and corrections, click here.