Uh Oh, There's A Pork Shortage Looming This Summer

Our upcoming cookouts on the grill might have a little less variety this summer due to a pork supply issue, which is a result of last year's coronavirus-related troubles. At the very least, Insider tells us, it's likely that we'll see the price of pork products go up, especially as restaurants reopen and more people begin hosting barbecues.

Though many Americans will have had the opportunity to get vaccinated by July 4, Anne-Marie Roerink, founder and principal of the market research firm 210 Analytics, thinks we'll still prefer congregating outside rather than inside. She told Insider, "Many consumers still feel more comfortable with outside dining and gatherings, so I suspect grilling out is going to be a very popular activity this summer." This is certainly the plan for me and my family.

The lack of supply and increase in demand means that there will eventually be price increases for pork-based products like bacon and hot dogs containing pork. There'll also be less promotional activity around those products, which means you probably won't find as many killer deals for them, if at all. Deal-seekers like me may be out of luck.

Christine McCracken, executive director for animal protein at Rabobank, a financial services company, has this suggestion: "Bargains on meat might be tough for consumers to find this summer. So my advice to consumers would be to stock up when you find a good deal." That's something I usually do anyway, but if someone scoops up all my precious bratwursts, just know I'm hiding in your bushes, giving you the stink eye.
