Toss Avocados On The Grill First For A Silkier Guacamole Every Time

When it comes to guacamole, it seems everyone has their take on what makes it perfect. As for me, I'm a purist; I think a great guacamole is made with ripe avocados, onion, cilantro, lime juice, a little garlic, some salt, and serrano or jalapeƱo pepper. But many swear that tomatoes must make an appearance, or corn, or pineapple, or lots of chili powder. As you can imagine, such differences could spark some fierce debate (I admit: I despise tomato in my guac), but if there is one thing that everyone might agree on, it's that grilling your avocados first can result in the best guacamole of your life, however you like to doctor it up.


Placing ripe, halved avocados on the grill for a few minutes will make this already creamy fruit luxuriously silky, and it imparts a mild smoky flavor, making any guacamole that much tastier. If you don't have a grill, you can get the same effect by placing avocados cut side down on a grill pan, or broiling them cut side up just until some char develops on the flesh.

A few minutes to better guacamole

For starters, use ripe avocados, or those that give slightly when you squeeze them with your fingers. Grilling the fruit when it's rock-hard won't soften it up much, and using avocados that are too ripe (they already feel like mushed guacamole when you squeeze them) won't do you any good either. Cut the fruit in half lengthwise and remove the pits, but keep the flesh in the peel. Brush the cut sides with avocado or olive oil and place them on a hot grill for a few minutes, or until you get some nice char marks.


Once done, scoop the flesh out of the skin and let it cool for a few minutes before making your guacamole as normal. For extra smokiness, you can grill your other ingredients as well. For instance, peppers like jalapeƱos and serranos take on a beautiful and tasty char when they're grilled. Just place them on the grill until the skins are either marked with grill marks or blackened. Let them cool as well, chop them up as you normally would, and add them to the guacamole. Grill tomatoes, corn, even fruit like pineapple or mango (if you like a fruitier guac). If you grill your onions, they'll release more of their sugars, giving the whole dish a nice caramelized, sweetness.

Grilled avocado on everything

Of course, you don't need to reserve grilling avocado for guacamole. Charring the fruit will make it taste wonderful no matter how you eat it. When it comes off the grill, squeeze fresh lemon juice on top with a sprinkle of salt, and eat it right out of the skin for an excellent snack. Put grilled avocado on Cobb salads, avocado toast, tacos, sandwiches, and burgers; or use the halved avocado as a vessel to hold a cold salad like shrimp, crab, tuna, or chicken salad to make an elegant lunch. All in all, this rich, buttery fruit makes anything better by itself, but with a hint of smokiness, it jumps everything to another level of flavor.


You can even prep the avocados ahead of time to use the following day. Grill up the fruits and store them wrapped in plastic or in an airtight container in the refrigerator overnight. Squeezing some lime or lemon juice over the top can help prevent oxidation and keep the fruit a nice bright green color.

