Someone Left 22 Bundt Cakes And A Pan Of Mac And Cheese In An Uber

If you've ever left something valuable in an Uber, Lyft, or taxi, you've experienced that sinking feeling as soon as you arrive at your destination. Somewhere, there's a Chicago Lyft driver somewhere out there who's still tooling around with my half-full asthma inhaler. Fortunately, I was able to call my doctor and replace the inhaler—but 22 bundt cakes and a pan of homemade macaroni and cheese? Irreplaceable.

The lost food items were just one entry in the fifth annual Lost & Found Index released by Uber earlier this week. The index summarizes the most common (and most laughable) items left in Ubers each year, and its release apparently coincides with an upcoming astrological event. "As Mercury prepares to go into Retrograde next week, which astrologists say influences forgetfulness, we're releasing our fifth annual Lost & Found Index," the press release said. "Over the last year, riders have most frequently forgotten phones, cameras, wallets and keys, with bags and headphones left behind often, too. As always, riders aren't only leaving the usuals behind."

As you might expect, cell phones were the most commonly forgotten item in 2020. However, the index includes a truly impressive variety of food-related items, including the aforementioned bundt cake/macaroni tragedy. Other forgotten foods include:

  • A cooler full of fish
  • Fresh shrimp
  • A sushi platter
  • A popcorn bucket from Disney World
  • Raw chicken and 20 pounds of salt
  • One pound of smoked salmon
  • The index pulls directly from user responses, so some of the items seem a little far-fetched. For example, "frozen meat, a lot of it," as well as "one can of crab meat and a package of lobster for business." For business! My personal favorite. simply reads, "ham for Thanksgiving is in the trunk." If you'd like to review the index, you can do so here. In the meantime, please hold onto your bundts.
