Last Call: Tony Hawk Can't Get Any Respect At The Drive-Thru
For a summer or two in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Tony Hawk was probably the biggest name in the Bernot household. My brother and I relentlessly played Pro Skater in our basement, until my dreams were all laced with its Sublime-heavy soundtrack. We knew the complicated names for the spin and kick-flip moves, and couldn't wait for Hawk to finally land a full 900. My brother and his band of ruffians unwisely attempted to recreate them on home-built ramps in suburban driveways.
Well, these days Tony Hawk constantly encounters people who have no idea who he is. Man, fame is fleeting isn't it? He documents these interactions on Twitter, which reassures me that he's as chill and self-effacing as I'd hope.
Pulling up to drive-through window, girl starts to read back my order and stops herself: "you're Tony Hawk?"
me: yes
her: "can I tell everyone?"
me: I suppose
her: "yo, we got Tony Hawk at the window!"
voice from kitchen: "Who?"— Tony Hawk (@tonyhawk) April 21, 2019
Guy approaches me while standing in line at coffee shop in Cancún.
Him: my friend says you are a famous person. Is that true?
Me: that depends on your definition of fame
Him: will you show up on Google if I search your name?
Me: yes
Him (typing into phone): you are Tony Stark?— Tony Hawk (@tonyhawk) April 3, 2019
At rental car agency, can't find my name on the monitor to find my car, go inside & wait in line. Finally get to the front, agent sees me & says "you really are Tony Hawk"
Me: um, yes. I was looking for my name outside on the list
Him: "I deleted it because I thought it was fake"— Tony Hawk (@tonyhawk) April 14, 2019
Anyway, here's Tony Hawk scrambling my middle-school brain in 1999: