To Taste The World's Spiciest Ice Cream, You Have To Sign A Death Waiver

Scotland seems like a surprising place to host the world's spiciest ice cream (unlike Mexico or India, say). Nevertheless, Glasgow's Aldwych Café has created "Respiro Del Diavolo" or Breath Of The Devil ice cream, which is reportedly 500 times as spicy as Tabasco. The brave tasters have to sign a legal waiver before diving in, which states that eating the ice cream "could be a risk of personal injury, illness and possible loss of life."

How and why, you may be sputtering. Turns out machismo is to blame. Lee Bandoni, brother of Café owner Martin, told The New York Post: "It started in Italy. There was a place called Devils Bridge and with that, the Italian ice cream families used to meet up once a year and discuss how the year went for them. At that point, if there were any men that showed bravery then they would eat this ice cream. So, because of the Devils Bridge, they called this the Breath Of The Devil." The Bandonis decided to bring the dare-worthy treat over to their cafe, using the original recipe from 1936 and local ingredients.

Servers have to use gloves to spoon out the heat-inducing ice cream. Then tasters dive in, but judging from this video, nobody even seems to be enjoying it? And they don't even get a T-shirt for their troubles.
