There Is A Beer Named Shirtless Putin Nuzzling With Dolphins

The beers named Very Stable Genius were very good, very timely. But for sheer absurdity, Call To Arms Brewing Company's Shirtless Putin Nuzzling With Dolphins has risen to the top of our list of favorite political beer names.

The Denver-based brewery will release its second batch of this beer on March 22, with an illustrated label that—really—we can't unsee.

The beer is a coffee-spiked bourbon barrel-aged Baltic Porter, which is doubly funny because Baltic Porters come from the countries adjacent to the Baltic Sea, like Russia, ha ha!

Anyway, Baltic Porters are rich and delicious; this beer name is amazing; Call To Arms is a rad brewery whose founders came from the prestigious Avery Brewing pedigree. If we lived in Denver and were free on the 22nd, we know where we'd be.
