St. Louis Grocery Store Finds Better Use For Its Abandoned Salad Bar

St. Louis is a booze town. It's a point of pride. Breweries are beloved civic institutions. Because it was founded by French Catholics, it has never known Puritan repression. If there's a way to incorporate alcohol into something, St. Louisans are going to find it.

And so this weekend, somebody at the the Dierbergs grocery store in suburban Warson Woods realized that since salad bars are over for the time being, the salad bar counter could be used in a much more productive way: as a booze buffet! Nothing but 99-cent airplane-sized bottles, baby, arranged by type.

As the Riverfront Times observed while reporting this exciting news, "St. Louis never disappoints. Even in the middle of a global pandemic, St. Louis finds a way to St. Louis so hard."

And that is why St. Louisans love it so.
