Science Says 4 Cups Of Coffee Daily Is The Ideal Amount OKAYLETSGIVETHISASHOTSHALLWE

Business Insider reports on a German study that found daily coffee consumption can be good for the heart, pointing to an ideal dose of "around four or five cups of espresso" daily, so I read this and figured cool I should probably brew a second pot of coffee since I only had maybe like two mugs out of the first pot before my boyfriend took the rest to work and I guess they were pretty big mugs but hey better safe than sorry right hahah so now that I've had that fourth cup IfeellikeI'mreallystartingtobuzzuptotherightlevelofalertness YOU KNOW I THINK I COULD PROBABLY HAVE A FIFTH CUP JUST TO BE SURE SINCE I DID PUT A PRETTY BIG SPLASH OF MILK IN THOSE FIRST FEW AND IM JUST ALL ABOUT BEING HEART HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE YOU KNOW ME ALWAYS TRYING TO MEET OR BEAT DEADLINES BY STAYING REALLY ALERT AND ATTHEOPTIMALLEVELOFCAFFEINATIONWHICHSCIENCESAYS IS FOURORFIVECUPSADAYSOYEPCOUNTMEIN HEYWHYAREMYHANDSSHAKING THISIS MAKINGITHARDTOTYPE ITHOUGHTYOUSAID IDBEMOREPRODUCTIVE THISWAY DAMMITSCIENCELIEDAGAIN
