Namaste, Shitheads: "Rage Yoga" Combines Beer, Cursing, Catharsis

Maybe you find traditional yoga a bit too gentle, too serene. Maybe all the quiet exhaling, soft fabric pants, and long pauses aren't quite your speed. Maybe you'd rather scream obscenities and then drink a beer, in which case, Brash Brewing's Rage Yoga is right up your alley.

The Houston brewery, whose Facebook page URL is, hosts the Rage Yoga events twice a month, allowing people a chance to relieve stress through whatever family-unfriendly vocabulary they choose, all while stretching and posing and breathing. The classes are taught by Ashley Duzich, who according to the Rage Yoga website is a certified instructor with a minimum of 200 teaching hours. During Rage Yoga classes, the instructor invites people to yell, vent, and release whatever tensions and stresses they're holding inside. In between poses, there's time for beer breaks.

"Yoga itself actually means union, so union with yourself," Duzich tells KHOU-11. "That's not always just super calm, breathing, practicing quiet time."

Per its website, Rage Yoga is based on Vinyasa yoga, but slowed to a lesser pace. In the FAQ section, Rage Yoga notes that attendees should prepare for "foul language, laughter and shenanigans. If these offend you, Rage Yoga is not for you."

While beer yoga is certainly common at breweries these days, Brash Brewery's event is the first time this beer writer has heard of Rage Yoga at a taproom. It seems to fit with Brash's ethos, judging from what I see on its Facebook page, so more power to them. If you want a traditional yoga experience, you can find that on almost any block in America. If you want to yell "namaste, motherfuckers" while you move to chaturanga, there's only one place I know of to do so without getting kicked out of class.
