Prue Leith Talks Smack About NYC's Babka And I Invite Her To Come Say That To My Face
There was much to quibble about during the most recent episode of The Great British Baking Show, like Linda's Star Baker snub, literal brownie points, and Mark making a horrifying reference to he-who-must-not-be-named inside the world's most sacred tent. In New York City, there's some major quibbling about babka after Prue made the following comment:

THE NERVE. That babka, while beautiful, was the creation of an underpaid kitchen assistant limey bastard Paul Hollywood, who only a week ago brought in rainbow bagels to share with the class. Somehow I don't think these two have had a lot of experience eating in New York City.
I was born and raised in New York City, just like my parents and grandparents were, and as someone who has a mixture of Roll-N-Roaster cheese and U-Bet syrup running through her veins, I give legitimately zero fucks about what Prue thinks about babka. If this was Mary Berry then perhaps I'd pay this some sort of attention, but it's not. If Prue Leith wants to get into a fight with me about the merits of British food as opposed to the foods of New York City, she can be my goddamn guest, and she knows where to find me. I look forward to hearing her explanations for spotted dick, forcemeat balls, and lampreys before I toss a pie from Tottono's down on the table in front of her and drop the mic.