Vote Or Pie: Group Will Deliver Pizzas To Polling Stations With Long Lines

As the midterm elections approach, groups are attempting to remove the barriers that discourage people from getting to the polls. Some are lobbying to give employees the day off; some are organizing transportation; and some just want to keep you from getting hangry and leaving your polling location before voting. Enter: Pizza To The Polls.

This group—brought to our attention by an NPR segment—raises money to deliver pizzas to crowded polling stations with long lines. According to Pizza To The Polls' website, long lines and a gnawing feeling of hangriness "might discourage... brave patriots from performing their civic duty." Since the 2016 elections, the group has been committed to raising money and delivering pizza to the busiest polling locations.

It relies on donations—which are unfortunately not tax-deductible—to fund the pizzas; currently, the group has more than $7,000 to spend. Then, on Election Day, voters at the polls can tweet or use the group's website to request pies (you'll need to shoot a photo to prove the line length). Pizza To The Polls then uses Slice to find a local pizzeria, prepay the pies, and instruct the delivery person to distribute them among voters in line. The group has, during past elections, sent pies to locations including Tamarac, Florida; Evanston, Illinois; and Cincinnati.

The group says its pizza delivery is non-partisan—it calls its work "feeding democracy."
