Oreos Get Skinny (But Not Diet)

Nabisco has been crackers lately, with all these new Oreo flavors. (Wackity schmackity doo.) I can't even remember them all, even the ones we've Taste Tested: Was there really Cookie Dough and Marshmallow Crispy flavors? Yes indeed there were. Caramel Apple Oreos? Check. The list goes on; some have been great, some relatively abominable. In the brief interim before the next flavors (reportedly Brownie Batter and Key Lime, and no, I'm not making that up), Nabisco has unleashed Oreo Thins, which they were quick to tell us are NOT A DIET PRODUCT. They are simply an alternate Oreo delivery system, available in the classic flavor as well as Mint Chocolate and Golden. The calorie count is slightly lower than a normal Oreo—about 35 vs. 50—and the difference is mostly in the height of the cookies themselves, which are much thinner. They're nice and crispy, with the Mint tasting pretty much like a Thin Mint, but without the waxy sheen. We decided to sit around a table and talk about these Oreos, which offered us an excuse to eat many of them, too.
