New Kit Kats Are As American As... You Know

In my own little world, which does not extend much beyond my back porch, life is good. The sun is out in Chicago, the sky is blue, there's a pleasant breeze, and I just got a box of Kit Kats in the mail. Truly, could I ask for anything more?

As we reported earlier, American Kit Kat (manufactured by Hershey, as opposed to international Kit Kat, manufactured by Nestle) has vowed in 2020 to expand its selection of flavors, and not even a pandemic can halt its efforts. So far we've seen Raspberry, Lemon Crisp, and Birthday Cake, and now there's Apple Pie. And, in my humble opinion, it's the best of the bunch.

It's a good flavor because it's easy to recognize as apple—just plain old apple, like Honeycrisp or Cosmic Crisp, not sour apple. It's sweet without being sugary. There are hints of cinnamon and vanilla, but they're not overpowering. (If you really like nutmeg in your apple pie, this may not be the Apple Pie Kit Kat for you.) The classic Kit Kat wafers give it a crunch, like a good pie crust. It smells like a caramel apple. If Kit Kat USA is planning to head off in a baked goods direction, I am here for it.

The new Kit Kats are scheduled to go on sale in July and, like the other new flavors, will only be available for a limited time. Maybe I will start hoarding them the way I've been hoarding my Mint + Dark Chocolate Duos.
