Luger's Other Olympic Feat Involves Inhaling Entire Pizza Slice In One Breath

No one human should possess so many talents. Not only is American luge athlete Chris Mazdzer an Olympic silver medalist, he can also eat an entire slice of pizza in one bite. Which is the more impressive feat? You make the call.

Fellow Team U.S.A. athlete Lauren Gibbs, a bobsledder, posted the above video on Sunday documenting Mazdzer's pizza-inhaling skills. Viewers can see how his world-class athletic training comes into play here: the determination, the goal-setting, the steady focus.

"I'm gonna take it down," he says before folding the pizza, accordion-like, into his widening maw.

Many of the 2018 Olympics' most iconic moments haven't occurred on the official playing field: the joint Korean team entering the Opening Ceremonies together; the P.F. Chang's/Pyeongchang mix-up; and now this glorious visual display of American pizza-eating supremacy.
