Long Island Man Allegedly Robs Dunkin', Attempts Escape Via Uber

Ride sharing has changed quite much about how we get around. Instead of anticipating the longest possible commute, we now clock personal departures around an app's projected arrival times. Group travel is far easier to organize when everyone's taking the same car. And for at least one now-arrested Long Island man, apps can even bring a getaway car right to your location.

That doesn't mean you'll actually get away with anything, however. Such was the fate of Andrew Sandson, 57, who according to NBC 4 New York allegedly attempted to rob a local Dunkin' at gunpoint with a gun he didn't seem to actually have before taking off in a requested ride. Sandson "entered the Suffolk Avenue store just after 9:30 p.m. and handed over a note saying he had a gun and wanted cash. The employee at the register complied and Sandson, who never actually showed a gun, left with the money and fled in a car."

Another customer took note of the Uber's license plate, which led police to Sandson's home address. He was arrested shortly thereafter. The driver was not involved, but now has a solid back-pocket story about the worst rider they've ever picked up. Sandson has been arraigned on robbery charges, and through him, a valuable lesson has been imparted about trying one's best to not be terrible at crimes if you're going to commit them.
