Last Call: What's The Weirdest Food Your Pet Can't Get Enough Of?

Earlier this week, Aimee Levitt shared an illuminating study that found the majority of pets do not subsist on pet food alone. Anyone who is shocked by this has not been around a dog, cat, or guinea pig for more than five minutes in their entire lives. We love our animals, and love is often expressed through food. (Valentine's Day restaurant reservations wouldn't be so difficult to secure if we didn't.) Sometimes, though, the animals make their human food preferences hilariously clear to their humans.

Because dogs and cats descended from much more imposing carnivores, we assume that meat is the high-value treat that will pique their interest and, hopefully, obey our reasonable commands such as "do not treat the arrival of the mail truck like a hostile takeover for the 1,344th day in a row." But not all pets value a slice of hot dog or a bit of leftover pork fat. Some, like my gremlin-esque terrier, have tastes that are a bit less carnivorous. If Griff hears the clink of a metal spoon against a ceramic mug, he comes running, assuming (often correctly) that Greek yogurt is being consumed somewhere without his supervision. A tiny swipe of yogurt from the end of the container is the greatest reward on this planet. I should just start carrying tubs of yogurt on our morning walks.

My sister's pug, meanwhile, appears to be a bit of a carbohydrate fiend. At family gatherings, he can be found sneaking around to all the unattended beer cans and licking the openings with gusto. (It's probably not just the beer he's enjoying on those open cans, but we can pretend.) And then, there's my cousin's pit mix, who begins shaking—actual full-body shuddering—in anticipation when a baguette is being sliced, knowing he'll be treated to a bit of the hardened bread heel. Some carnivore. Still, I feel like this is the animal to whom I relate the most. Do your pets go nuts for any unexpected foods?
