Last Call: What's The Best Thing You've Ever Eaten On A Plane?

Airplane food gets dismissed a lot, which is totally fair. I've hunched over my share of bone-dry Transatlantic chicken breasts and dubious yogurt cups while rewatching True Grit on a tiny airplane seat TV monitor. It's not great.

But some airlines really make an effort to fly the tasty skies. Take Copa Airlines, a South American carrier headquartered in Panama City, Panama. I flew Copa for the first time in 2017 and was delighted by the piping-hot empanadas handed out in place of other, less exciting airplane snacks. (Read: pretzels. I hate pretzels.) I still think about those empanadas, which I unfortunately regurgitated the next day after eating a bad plate of salchipapas. But the memory remains.

Here's what I'm getting at: despite airline food's crummy reputation, a lot of people have fond memories of plane snacks and meals. Takeout editor-in-chief Marnie Shure loves American Airlines' fruit and cheese plate; this morning, Takeout staff writer Dennis Lee wrote about a person who missed airplane food so much that he learned to cook it at home. My question for you, readers: what's the best thing you've ever eaten on an airplane? I don't mean airport food, which you pick up in the terminal and carry on for your flight. I mean bona fide airplane food prepped in a tiny cabin and handed out between bouts of turbulence. Tell me all about it in the comments.
