Last Call: More Vintage Food And Kitchen Design Through The Decades

I delved into the world of Jell-O casserole/pies/salads today, bringing up memories of really bad casseroles from the '70s. And this in turn reminded me of the most horrific set of recipes I've ever witnessed, Wendy McClure's The Amazing Mackerel Pudding Plan: Classic Diet Recipe Cards From The 1970s. From Frankfurter Spectacular to Chilled Celery Log, each dish is more hideous than the next, only augmented by McClure's hilarious commentary ("Wow, Crab Newburg on pink velvet, and it's only your first date with the Miami drug lord.") You can also check out a few online, and plan your next nightmarish diner party accordingly. [Gwen Ihnat]

Kitchens through the decades

Can you imagine a time before kitchen islands? (Apparently such a thing existed.) This quick slideshow was a fun look at how kitchens have evolved since the 1920s—and a good reminder that everything old is one day new again. [Kate Bernot]
