Last Call: Lunchbox Dad Sets A High Bar For Back-To-School Lunches

Making school lunches is one of those (many) things I am continually behind on. If I'm lucky, I may get up early enough to make my kids something in the beige food variety they might actually eat: mac-and-cheese, bagel sandwich, grilled cheese. Many days, they default to the cafeteria lunch, and I feel guilty. So I am simultaneously jealous and resentful of Lunchbox Dad, featured today in USA Today. He crafts characters for his kids in their lunches that resemble Albus Dumbledore, say, or Nemo. There are whole themes, like a dinosaur sandwich and a hard-boiled egg on a bed of cereal with a crack painted on it. Honestly, when I can't even pull a "have a great day!" note together, it's a lot to take in.

He has some great tips though, like using cookie cutters, and adding dried fruit and vegetables like snap peas that the kids like better once they're "artfully displayed." Oh, and adding that note. Adding "cute stationary" to my back-to-school shopping list. [Gwen Ihnat]

You probably can’t cook an egg on the new MacBook Pro

Online reviewers have noticed the new i9 MacBook Pro gets kinda toasty when its CPU performs complicated tasks. So this tech vlogger set out to test whether the new MacBook Pro got hot enough to actually cook an egg. He exported a big video file in Premiere Pro and recorded a time-lapse video of an egg cracked on the laptop. Yep, some of those proteins in the egg white do actually render, but it hardly fries the whole egg. Still, an oddly compelling investigation. [Kate Bernot]
