Last Call: Is Snoop Dogg Vegan?

Not only did Snoop Dogg hand out sandwiches at Dunkin' this week to celebrate the release of its Beyond Meat breakfast sandwich, but he also beat out thousands of other workers to be named Dunkin's Employee of the Month.


It's been rumored that Snoop might be secretly vegan, which I'm guessing he isn't, because it's impossible to be secretly vegan. I've done short stints as a vegan, and I can confirm firsthand that eating a vegan diet makes you want to talk endlessly about how much better you feel on a vegan diet. Honestly, it's great!

Maybe Snoop's embrace of plant-based living is genuine, or maybe he's just well-compensated to say so, but who knows what the truth really is. One thing we do know for sure is that Snoop is an enthusiastic and tireless brand ambassador for Beyond Meat in all its many forms. He seems to love nothing more in this world.

