Last Call: If You Have An Instant Pot And Don't Use It To Make Stock, Listen Up

I have an update to my prior list of foods I regularly cook in my Instant Pot: Chicken stock. Using the bones of a rotisserie chicken this weekend, I made some stock and compared to my regular stovetop version, it is next-level. Cooking it for just 40 minutes on high pressure pulverized the chicken bones, releasing their collagen or marrow or whatever it is that gives homemade stock that silky, rich texture. As I strained out the crumbled, totally decimated bones, I knew all their goodness was now deliciously flavoring what became a truly exceptional bowl of chicken noodle soup. [Kate Bernot]

Listen to some new music that just sounds retro

There's been a lot of talk lately about the new Weezer Teal album with its run of covers/wedding band standards. I am with my colleague A.A. Dowd on decreeing this effort as tired (maybe the upcoming Black album will impress). On the opposite end of that spectrum, I recently trekked out in the single digits of Chicago cold to Metro to see the two Long Island brothers who make up the band The Lemon Twigs. Honestly, it's enough to give you hope for the future. Clearly, these two were raised on tons of Big Star and Badfinger, making for a thrilling all-ages rock show of a band clearly on the rise, young enough that their dress-up rock-star moves (David Lee Roth kicks, Chuck Berry duckwalks) are becoming real ones. Elton John himself is a fan. Bypass the lame covers and check Lemon Twigs out on your Spotify or Alexa or whatever instead. [Gwen Ihnat]
