Last Call: Dirty Hands And Something To Wipe Them Off On

Bathroom hand dryers are gross

Another day, another common object covered in disgusting bacteria. The latest gross revelation is that bathroom hand dryers—the kind in restaurants and airports and stadiums—suck up nasty particles from the air and yeah, just spray them all over your hands. Think of all the time I've wasted thoroughly washing my hands, just to have the dryer cover them with, literally, crap. Ugh.

A snarky line of kitchen cloths

Was helping my girl pick out a birthday present for a slumber party when I spied Blue Q's line of cute dish towels and oven mitts. Somehow they seemed to embody all my inner frustrations using the surprising medium of fabric. Then I checked out the company's addictive Instagram, where even more cute/angry things await in the form of attractive/caustic socks, bags, and pencil cases. Can someone please remind my family that Mother's Day is just around the corner if they want to get something for their funny/cranky mom?
