Last Call: Cool Off This Summer With The Great British Baking Show

The Great British Baking Show

I was lucky enough to interview Martha Collison recently, a season-one contestant from The Great British Baking Show (Technically series five on the BBC version). It was a good excuse to dive down that lovely bake-filled wormhole again, as four full seasons are available on Netflix, and season five is currently running on PBS. Whereas so many American reality series are filled with nasty characters who are "not here to make friends," the Baking contestants, for the most part, are steeped in politeness, never lashing out at each other even when under the most high-tension assignments. (The show's most scandalous moment was when when season-one's Ian freaked out over his melting ice cream cake and tossed it in the bin.) Whether you're stressed by the weather, World Cup, or politics this summer, GBBS can soothe even the most jangled nerves. [Gwen Ihnat]

Does “healthy ice cream” encourage unhealthy eating?

Oh hey, it's Eeyore Kate, here to rain on everyone's fun again. I hope this doesn't discourage anyone from eating as much or as little healthy or unhealthy ice cream as they want, but I found this piece from Elle U.K. thought-provoking. Essentially, the article explores whether "healthy" ice cream like Halo Top, etc., are actually healthy. The author spoke to nutritionists and food scientists, and found that yes, the ingredients are mostly fine for you. But she finds a more insidious problem with these ice cream brands' messaging: "I think these products encourage overeating," says one nutritionist. "The thing with these alternatives is that they do not satisfy our cravings in the same way, so we tend to eat more than we would otherwise." Some experts see problems with the way the products are marketed, too: "The verdict is that the ingredients are safe but the psychology of bingeing is not." [Kate Bernot]
