Last Call: Chef José Andrés Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

Who's José Andres? He's a Michelin-starred, D.C.-based chef who has spent the past year-plus almost exclusively focused on feeding the people of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. He began his work there mere days after the storm, and he hasn't stopped since. Through his World Central Kitchen foundation, which he created in 2010, he and other chefs have provided vocational training and food assistance in Brazil, Cambodia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua, Zambia, and the United States.

And now, he's a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, a distinction he shares with a man of whom he's been an outspoken critic: Donald Trump. (Not all nominees are created equal.) To be sure, there are hundreds of nominees each year, who must be named by official Peace Prize nominators like members of national assemblies and governments, Members of The International Court Of Justice in The Hague, persons who have previously been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, etc. Regardless of whether he wins, Andrés' work to bring food to the most vulnerable people around the world is certainly noble. [Kate Bernot]

Burger King tweeted a lot of nonsense today

Sure, we all have the occasional technological blips, especially the luddites among us (guilty). But Burger King's Twitter misfire today maybe wasn't a misfire? The chain tweeted the above slew of characters several hours ago and since then has only replied in corresponding jibberish. Other chains have tried to communicate with the BK, but no actual words just yet. Business Insider even tried to contact Burger King directly, with no luck. There's a theory that it has something to do with a release today of a burger aimed at dogs, the Dogpper; so far, chalk it up to the latest Twitter mystery. But props to Hooters for responding in binary code. [Gwen Ihnat]
