Last Call: British Sandwiches, Dive Bars, And The 2 Most Hypnotic Minutes You'll Spend Tonight

Posh British sandwiches

This Guardian article is a fascinating look back at the rise of the pre-made sandwich in Britain. I was hooked because, simply, I love sandwiches, but I stayed reading to better understand a time when preassembled sandwiches seemed like a kooky idea. "Who would pay for something they could just as easily make at home?" the story asks. How quaint. Oh, but a quick graphic content warning: The article contains the phrase "prawn mayonnaise." [Kate Bernot]

The death of dive bars

This Munchies rant about the slow death of dive bars really spoke to me. I watched some of my favorite Chicago dive bars shutter in recent years, and I can only assume more will go the way of the Beachwood Inn and Club Foot soon. Vice's Josh Androsky perfectly captures how annoying faux-dives are, and explains what was so great about classic dives in the first place: real jukeboxes curated by a caring, crusty staff, deep-fried bar food and cheap, watery beer. "To be completely honest with you, I'd be willing to look past this, all of this, if you didn't make it cost five bucks for a Pabst," Androsky writes. Amen. [Jen Sabella]

London Boys vs. Autechre

Someone spliced a track from British electronica duo Autechre with this circa-'80s aerobics video, and it's the most hypnotic two minutes you'll spend tonight. [Kevin Pang]
