Last Call: A Murder She Wrote-Themed Beer And Snowpocalypse!

Murder She Oat

A round of polite claps for the more than 30 Arizona brewers—all women—who came together to brew Murder She Oat, a sudsy tribute to one of my favorite onscreen heroines. The IPA honors none other than national treasure Angela Lansbury, who portrayed amateur (but so effective!) detective Jessica Fletcher on Murder, She Wrote for 12 spellbinding seasons. Someone ship me a growler to Montana, please? [Kate Bernot]

Trip Shakespeare, “Snow Days”

Chicago Pubic Schools just cancelled school for Friday for the first time in three years (near as I can tell) due to our impending snowpocalypse. This song seems appropriate; stay safe, everyone who's getting hit with snow tomorrow! [Gwen Ihnat]
