Kick Up Your Cocktailing With Bulevar, A Spicy Cousin To The Negroni

The lineage of this cocktail begins with the classic and ubiquitous Negroni, which uses one part each gin, vermouth, and Campari. It evolved into the Boulevardier, which substitutes bourbon for gin.

Bartender Laura Kelton's variation on the Boulevardier, which she calls Bulevar, adds a kick with the addition of Ancho Reyes, a liqueur derived from ancho chiles. It helps brings out the spiced elements from the vermouth and gives the drink an intriguing cooling and warming sensation.


1.5 oz. bourbon0.5 oz. Ancho Reyes0.75 oz. sweet vermouth0.5 oz. Campari

Combine in mixing glass, stir with ice to chill. Pour in glass over rocks. Garnish with cherry.
