Kellogg's Thinks We'll Want To Eat Something Called Incogmeato

Everybody's selling fake meat these days, so it's probably no surprise that Kellogg's MorningStar Farms division is jumping into the game early next year with a vegan meat of its own, which the Kellogg CEO boasted to Bloomberg will "sear wonderfully" and "bleed on the grill." It's maybe a bit surprising that Kellogg is so late to the game, given that the company's founder, Will Keith Kellogg, was a lifelong vegetarian. But what's really surprising is that someone at Kellogg thought that the best name for this new fake meat product is Incogmeato.

Yes, Incogmeato.

How did this happen? Did the marketing team at Kellogg sincerely think this was a good idea? Or was it one of those cases where everyone was locked in a single room and not allowed to leave, even to go to the bathroom, until they agreed on a name? The Bloomberg story offers no clues. It does tell us, though, that the chair of Beyond Meat welcomes the new competition and that Kellogg remains the number one seller of veggie burgers—all things I, for one, am pleased to now know.

The more I think about it, though, I'm wondering if Incogmeato is in the category of "so dumb it's great." Incogmeato. Yeah, it's kind of growing on me.
