Some Asshole Is Running Around Toronto Dressed As The Joker Stealing Tip Jars

In 2008, when The Dark Knight was first released, the entire point of Heath Ledger's now-iconic take on the Joker wasn't supposed to be how cool and/or inimitable he was. Yet for years now, everyone from awkward guys around the office to Academy Award winners have labored under the delusion that the costume alone will reveal a bottomless fount of subversive credibility.

The latest dipshit to decide that he's "upsetting the status quo", or whatever these dudes are after, was initially reported on by BlogTO. The Facebook page of the Toronto restaurant Wafels & More posted a video of a thief dressed as the DC villain, who made conversation with restaurant employees before taking off with counter tips:

Someone on the Facebook page also noted that "This painted face person hits up many places along Bloor West. He will attempt to enter 'staff only' areas and take whatever possible. He also does drugs in restaurant washrooms. Heads up." For some reason, we feel like it's not going to take a ton of time to track down the one guy walking around Toronto in 2019, painted like the Joker.

While we at The Takeout are wondering what exactly Commissioner Gordon plans to do about this wave of copycat Jokers, it's always depressing to watch the hourly worker get hosed, especially by a particularly "edgy" pickpocket. The Takeout hopes that the good people of Wafels & More were able to recover quickly, and that the Hot Topics of the greater Toronto area are on high alert at this time.
