Latest Grocery Store Prank: Carving Creepy Messages Into "Haunted" Bananas

We're usually too busy shopping at the grocery store to spend any time on pranks (we can barely squeeze in a free grape sample). But as Mashable and other outlets have pointed out, TV writer Kevin Biegel is much more creative than we are:

Yes, he's been running around supermarkets and carving cryptic messages into bananas. An unsuspecting patron then takes the fruit home, where a creepy message emerges as the fruit ripens. Biegel's suggestion, "I know what you did," is pretty good (probably why he has a Peabody Award for Scrubs); we also like "This banana is haunted" and "peel me." Either way, the tomfoolery possibilities seem pretty popular:

While this appears to be a fine prank, it is also slightly mean to freak the fuck out of strangers in these trying times. May we suggest limiting your spooky messages to your home bananas to just freak out people you know, like your roommates or spouses? Personally, I can't wait to see how much faster the kids will listen to a spooky banana that says "clean your room" than they'll listen to me.
