A Genetic Test Can Now Tell If You're Programmed To Hate Cilantro

I am firmly a member of Team Cilantro. I can't imagine a taco, salsa, or even fruit salad without it (seriously, try a combo of melon, cotija, lime salt, and cilantro—you're welcome). But some people are genetically predisposed not to love this glorious herb; they find the taste soapy and off-putting because of a cluster of genes in their brains. Now, consumer genetic testing company 23AndMe offers an analysis that will tell you whether your genes are to blame for your cilantrophobia.

Women's Health magazine reports the cilantro test is just one of the new features the genetic-analysis company has added to its Health And Ancestry Package; there are also new analyses of your sleep patterns, hair thickness, and sound sensitivity. (But obviously, cilantro preference is the most important.) The analysis should be able to tell consumers whether their feelings regarding cilantro are genetically based or merely environmental (maybe you had a bad experience with a taco al pastor that's to blame, not genes).

I'm not sure how this newfound knowledge would change your eating habits, though; after all, you like what you like regardless of whether that's genetically programmed or just a matter of preference. If you found out your cilantro aversion wasn't genetic, but learned, would you give the herb a second chance? From all of us on Team Cilantro, I urge you to say yes.
