Last Call: Why Is Gender Reveal Lasagna A Thing?

Our own Salty Waitress just answered a question from a reader who was planning to propose to his girlfriend at a restaurant. This brought up comments from many other Takeout readers who felt strongly about keeping such private relationship moments private, and not making a public spectacle out of every single life change.

But this is the age of Instagram. Way back in the day, your baby's gender reveal date was the same date as his or her birth. Nowadays, there are actual celebrations thrown for such things. (No, I didn't have one.) Granted my twins are 12 years old, and I have one of each. While I did find out their genders early on—wanting to plan ahead if I was going to have twin boys that were about to destroy my house—my gender reveal party would have been, "Congratulations! We're having everything!"

Gender reveal parties just sound like a bad deal to me regardless, even when they don't involve setting off major wildfires. But blue or pink frosted cupcakes now seem tame when compared to this new gender reveal menu item supplied by national Italian chain Villa Italian Kitchen. The cheese inside a lasagna is dyed blue or pink, so the gender is revealed by cutting into it. Then I guess everyone feasts on the unappetizing pink or blue pasta dish.

While there are many worse things going on in the world right now, this is pretty terrible. Scraping for an upside: Maybe this is the nadir of gender reveal parties and this trend can finally be declared over? [Gwen Ihnat]

This manicure contains salt and pepper shakers

Nail Sunny, which calls itself the "#1 nail art chain in Russia," has more than 2 million Instagram followers. Those followers are mostly there (presumably) to see the over-the-top nail designs that get posted to the page, including these faux nails that actually dispense salt and pepper, or these nails with glued-on ramen noodles, or this manicure that doubles as a corkscrew. Is this weirder than gender-reveal lasagna? Friends, I cannot even answer that. [Kate Bernot]
