FDA: Uh, Please Do Not Drink Hand Sanitizer?

Once upon a time, the FDA issuing a warning not to drink hand sanitizer would have seemed ridiculous, or at least extraneous. But here we are, in 2020, where warnings like this are not only commonplace, but, as we've learned, unfortunately necessary. So, let us echo the FDA's sentiments: in the name of all that may still be good in this world, do not drink hand sanitizer.

As we mentioned back in April, the mad rush to cater to America's desire for hand sanitizer brought a puzzling array of packaging choices to store shelves, including ones that, for some reason, were made to look like candy. Many independent breweries, distilleries, and wineries also jumped into the hand sanitizer market when the leading manufacturers of products like Purell struggled to meet the surge in demand. The FDA tweeted that it has found hand sanitizer packaged in non-conventional packaging like beer cans, water bottles, colorful food pouches, and liquor bottles. Some, the agency notes, contain food scents like chocolate or raspberry. Why would a company manufacture chocolate-scented hand sanitizer in the first place? Is it a nefarious plot to poison those who go looking for candy in the wrong supermarket aisle? Why am I even bothering to ask these questions at this point?Here are some helpful hints to make sure that you and your loved ones do not drink hand sanitizer:

  • Keep your hand sanitizer, like all other cleaning products and toiletries, out of the reach of children.
  • Before drinking anything, read the label to make sure it's not actually hand sanitizer.
  • Do not leave tall glasses full of ice-cold hand sanitizer lying around the house.
  • If you take a sip of something and think, "Wow, this tastes a lot like hand sanitizer," do not swallow it.
