Cinnabon Is Now Making Frozen Breakfast So Your Home Can Smell Like An Airport
One of the less celebrated pleasures of travel is the airport food hall. Yes, everything is overpriced and probably bad for you, but that's part of the glory. It's a signal to pull out your wallet and forget everything you ever knew about calorie counting because you are traveling. You are going somewhere! If you're lucky, you're on vacation, the best excuse in the world to eat overpriced crap. Even if you're not, you're still away from home, and airplane WiFi is still crappy enough that you have an excellent excuse to avoid messages from the office.
Not every airport has a Cinnabon, but if you're in one that does, you will know immediately because it will be pumping out the smell of cinnamon and sugar and butter, so strong that anyone on the concourse can smell it, even people with colds.
Now that air travel has become more of a rarity, enterprising individuals have been inventing ways to simulate the experience, like selling airplane snacks or flights to nowhere. But those are all the most unpleasant parts: being crammed in a tiny seat and given only terrible food. A better solution has been provided by Cinnabon itself: heating up frozen Cinnabon breakfast foods at home.
Cinnabon introduced its frozen food line last week, initially at Walmart and then, later this fall, at Target, Safeway, and Food Lion. It includes three sweet items and three savory items. No, Cinnabon is not known for its savory food offerings, but hey, it's offering us another chicken sandwich! (A CinnaBiscuit Chicken Sandwich, to be precise.) The other products are Frosted CinnaSweet Swirls, Caramel Pecan Ooey-Gooey Rolls, Frosting Filled CinnaPastry, Jalapeno Cheddar Sausage Bites, and CheddarRoll Sausage & Egg Sandwich. None of them are a cinnamon roll exactly, but maybe Cinnabon thinks it already has that covered with its collaboration with Pillsbury. Anyway, the real point is to make your house smell good, because the sad truth about Cinnabon is that the smell is the best part.
Somewhat related, in that it involves breakfast: Little Debbie is also getting into the cereal game. The snack cake brand announced last week that it had collaborated with Kellogg's on Oatmeal Creme Pies cereal, "crispy oatmeal puffs with a cream coating." How does it compare to Twinkies Cereal? We'll just have to find out.