Chrissy Teigen Has Taco Ideas For Taco Bell
Chrissy Teigen is good at food stuff. She's also good at Twitter. It should surprise no one, then, that she's once again found away to combine the two, this time passing along a couple notes to the people of Taco Bell. One is just sensible, and the other is something we're maybe into which also sent us down a Guy Fieri-themed rabbit hole. (It's Friday, what do you want?)
Here's the first one:
This is a solid suggestion, TB. At the very least, this would be a great option to provide. Some people (say, drunk people, or high people, or people who don't like tubs of meat) might prefer pre-constructed tacos, but soggy tacos are a menace, and also then people can customize the amounts of various ingredients to meet their needs (or meat their needs).
Taco Bell responded with a jokey, super-marketing suggestion, which Teigen (with an assist) waved aside.
Then another Twitter-type chimed in, suggesting that Teigen just order soft shell tacos instead. And that's when the real lightbulb moment happened:
As stated above, we're kind of into this idea. Taco Bell already has a Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco, but for reasons we can't really articulate, there's something about the Cool Ranch that feels particularly suited to a soft tortilla. And that led us to a discussion of what you might call a Cool Ranch sauce on a taco. Is it an American crema? A zesty sour cream? Ranchamole? Cool Ranch-ero?
And that led us to start guessing what cheesy, Guy Fieri-style name the Bell would give such a sauce. Zippy Trippy Flippy Ice Cold Cool Ranch Sauce? Cool Guy Ranch Cream? Out On The Cool Ranchamole? Raunchy Crunchy Coolest Of The Cool Ranch?
Anyway, Taco Bell, implement Teigen's suggestions. They are good.