Cheesecake Factory's 2,700-Calorie Breakfast Burrito Among "Winners" Of The Xtreme Eating Awards
We may figure when we go out to eat at Cheesecake Factory or Chili's that we're not necessarily eating the healthiest food in the world. But the annual Xtreme Eating Awards, put out by the Center For Science In The Public Interest, highlight exactly just how unhealthy that food can be. This year's "winners" were just released, and Cheesecake Factory has not one but two items on the list. Dubbed "The Worst Way To Start The Day," the Cheesecake Factory Breakfast Burrito (served all day!) has 2,730 calories (more than a full day's allotment) and 73 grams of saturated fat. CSPI offers helpful evaluative ratios per offending meal, so finishing that whole burrito is equal to eating seven Sausage McMuffins.

You're not even safe at the movies: Had to break it to AMC snack fan Allison Shoemaker, but that large pretzel and cheese sauce is equal to eating more than an entire loaf of bread: 1,920 calories and 1.45 pounds of pretzel. Under "Least Creative Mashup," we have Chili's Honey-Chipotle Crispers & Waffles, equal to eating "five Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts smothered in 30 McDonald's Chicken McNuggets and five packets of barbecue sauce." An unfortunate mashup by Cheesecake Factory puts angel hair pasta (in a cream sauce) pointlessly on top of a pizza: Chicken Parmesan Pizza Style makes the list as "Worst Adapted Pizza."

Check out the whole 2018 list here to see which other restaurant items you'd do well to steer clear of.