Burger King Puts Out Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches And All People Can Talk About Are Sponges
Food styling is a difficult art. Designers have to make an item look as desirable as possible, while also avoiding such uncanny perfection that consumers are left disappointed by what actually arrives through the drive-thru. Particularly when it comes to fast food, that divide is inevitable. But the wrong photo can also lead to a bunch of internet jokes in no time at all.
First, the upside: After a limited test release, Burger King has announced the nationwide launch of its Maple Waffle Sandwich, a breakfast option featuring (you guessed it) waffle buns. This was how the Maple Waffle Sandwich was initially presented to many:
something you actually want to wake up to. say hello to our new Maple Waffle Sandwich. pic.twitter.com/LWtKi12hIH
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) August 15, 2019
To lead with credit where credit is due, the waffle buns look the way one would hope a waffle bun would look: slightly fluffy, full of nooks, with crispy brown edges. That said, one usually hopes for melted cheese atop a breakfast sandwich, rather than a seemingly unwarmed slice, and the egg... well, let's check in and see what the patient and kind commenters of Instagram had to say in the comments of the same photo:

While a general truism of the world is that somebody somewhere hates everything, it's hard to disagree with the general argument that there had to be a more appealing photograph of an egg in the outtakes pile at some point. Curiously enough, when The Takeout reached out to Burger King requesting a photo of the waffle sandwich, we received the far more appetizing header photo at the beginning of this article. Even within the same campaign, not all food photos are created equal.
The Maple Waffle Sandwich is available at all locations for a limited time, and will probably satisfy many of the same people getting in their licks at the moment.