Why Burger King France Is Giving Away 200 Tons Of Free Potatoes

Nothing makes me want to don my beret, learn to mime, suck down a snail, and migrate to Pareeee like a french fry. Yes, I know french fries are technically Belgian, but "french" is in the name. The world can't enjoy french fries without the hearty potato—so it seems fitting that Burger King France is giving away a two-pound bag of taters to each and every drive-thru customer.

Mashed reports that Burger King France recently purchased 200 tons of potatoes to give away to customers by the sackful. Why? To keep French potato farmers feeling "chipper," the brand wrote in a message inscribed on each bag. You see, these farmers are in dire need of support as pandemic restaurant closures have left food suppliers with a lot of unsold potatoes on their hands. Burger King snapped up a portion of the excess and gave potato barons a pretty hefty payday in the process. As of February 2, Burger King France has been handing out two-pound bags of potatoes to every drive-thru customer free of charge.

"You can help by making a resolution for 2021: to keep buying potatoes," suggested the fast food giant on a message inscribed on each potato bag. "Wedges, hash browns, roast potatoes and mash—say yes to them all. For the love of spud, let's make this new year a good one." Supporting farmers and blessing the good people of France with extreme quantities of free potatoes? To that, I say "oui, oui." If we could just get North American Burger King locations to hop onboard, we'd be in business. (And we'd know exactly what to do with all those potatoes.)
