U.K. Soccer Club Fires Manager One Day After Cabbage Thrown At Him

The Aston Villa soccer (football) club of Birmingham, England, is having by all accounts, an exceptionally lousy season. CBS Sports reports that the team has only won one of its last 10 matches. Which may have inspired the wrath of one particular fan, who hurled a cabbage at Aston Villa manager Steve Bruce during a frustrating match earlier this week. (It missed.) Police are still searching for the vegetable thrower, who apparently just happened to have an extra cabbage on him?

Bruce says the incident "sums up the society we are in at the moment. There's no respect for anyone... Certainly for someone like him, I'm surprised he knew what a cabbage was. I find the whole thing hugely disrespectful." True, a civilized society should be above the hurling of vegetables to show displeasure.

Adding injury to insult, though, Bruce has since been sacked as the manager of Aston Villa after that match resulted in a 3-3 draw. "Chants of 'we want Brucie out' rang through the stadium," says CBS Sports. Bruce had joined the team in 2016. The cabbage-hurler is still at large, but the vegetable itself, naturally, already has its own Twitter account, @AstonCabbage.
