Asshole Fired For Ordering A "Trayvon Martini"

A Kansas City bartender reported that Michael Dargy Jr. recently came into the Buzzard Beach bar and ordered a drink of his own creation. Dargy called it the "Trayvon Martini," involving watermelon juice and a single shot because "it only takes one shot to put him down." According to The Root, the staff of the bar refused to serve him.

Then the bartender, who is black, posted the incident on Facebook, where it quickly went viral. He noted that Dargy works as a security guard, and is "paid by the neighborhood to walk around with a pistol and 'police' the area... Who can trust this man in any interaction with an African American?" Trayvon Martin is the unarmed black 17-year-old who was shot dead by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in 2012.

Dargy was at first suspended from his job, but now has been fired. The Kansas City Star reports that the Atlanta-based Chesley Brown International firm that employed Dargy released the following statement:

Once this information was brought to our attention we opened an internal investigation which led to this suspension and the removal of the employee from the property. While the investigation continues and remains active the officer's employment with Chesley Brown has ended.

[Note: The Root, like The Takeout, is owned by Univision Communications.]
