KIND Will Pay You $100 To Eat A Competitor's Energy Bar

You're going to want to move on this one quick: Today, October 27th, KIND will be doling out 1,000 $100 checks to people who eat a competitor's energy bar before a workout. Actual money.

The company asserts in a press release that many people have been eating energy bars with high calories and carbohydrates... and not actually using that energy to exercise. I'm guilty of that too: when I do eat an energy bar, it's to power me through sitting down for a few hours, most likely thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch, dinner, and probably a few meals in between.


I know, I know, you're impatiently waiting for me to tell you how to get the money. What you'll need is a receipt, or a photo of an energy bar you have laying around. Then you need to sign a pledge, located here, to promise that you'll be eating the energy bar specifically for workout fuel. Later, you'll get $100 for fitness expenses through the end of the year, no questions asked.

Yes, this is a promotion, and in this case, it coincides with KIND releasing a new energy bar called KIND Energy, which is specifically made for a workout in mind (they're serious about this not being a snack, slackers). It's comprised of whole grains, 10 grams of protein, and 35% less sugar than the competitors, which still sounds like an energy bar, but the kind (heh heh, geddit?) that'll send you a check.


