Game Of Thrones' Sophie Turner Is Our New Favorite Manic Sausage Dream Girl

You probably recognize Sophie Turner from Game Of Thrones and the X-Men franchise, but we unsophisticated pop-culture dweebs at The Takeout are too busy stuffing our faceholes to spend much time keeping up with Hollywood trendsetters. Instead, we admire Turner not for her acting chops, but for her side obsession: sausage reviews.


Elle UK recently conducted an interview with the star, who somehow got onto the topic of her favorite food, sausage. "I love sausages. Like, I eat sausage all the time. Obviously it's preferably chicken sausage because [it's healthier] but if I can get away with eating pork sausage I will. Love love love sausage! Tell the world!" Oh, we will, Ms. Turner.

She shares her love of encased meats on her side Instagram account, @sophiessausagereviews, which currently has more than 40,000 followers and claims in its description to be "Passionate Bout The Saus." (Stars, they're just like us!) We're actually impressed by Turner's thoughtful reviews of delicacies from Cumberland sausages to maple sausage patties.


Here she is turning her critical eye to aforementioned maple patty: "Size is good, could eat in 3 bites if I wanted to, however comes in pairs, would prefer a triplet of saus. Slightly garlic-y and not quite crispy enough on the outside. On the inside; moist but stays strong. Overall... a 6.5/10." The Michelin guide couldn't have said it better.

