Don't Feed Your Pets These Traditional Holiday Foods

I know, Thanksgiving is coming up, and on the big day some of you are going to be pretty tempted to feed Fido and Meow Meow some of your glorious turkey day bounty. But here's some food you shouldn't feed them, in case you were tempted, like I know I'm going to be.


Noozhawk has the list.

Turkey: Yes, turkey. Some unseasoned white meat is fine, but just make sure it's cooked well. Raw turkey or the fatty (best) dark meat should be avoided because it could mess up your pet's tummy. And by now most of you should know that bones are a no-no, as they could splinter up and cause throat or digestive issues, and you don't want that.

Garlic and onions: No! Delicious for us, bad for pets. These ingredients can cause stomach issues and even red blood cell damage (oh boy) to your pets.

Unbaked yeasted dough: This one is new to me. You're going to want to hide the dough, because if your pet eats enough of it, the yeast will continue to rise the dough even after it's been swallowed, which could cause a significant blockage in your pet's stomach. There's also a chance that the natural byproduct of fermentation, alcohol, can can cause alcohol poisoning. Alcohol: Technically alcohol isn't even good for humans, so it's potentially a life or death situation for your little furry children. Like people, alcohol is a depressant and can get your pets pretty messed up. Too much and your pet can get alcohol poisoning, which can actually kill them.


Desserts: Most of you know that chocolate isn't good for your pets. Most of the time a bit isn't an enormous cause for concern, but it's definitely not good for them. Grapes, raisins, and currants are really something to watch out for in dogs, as they can cause kidney failure. Watch that dessert table like a hawk!Xylitol: This artificial sweetener can actually lead to liver failure in cats and dogs. You'll find it in breath mints, as a sugar substitute in baked goods, in some nut butters, and sugar-free desserts.

