Avoid These Costly Mistakes While Shopping For Groceries

I'll readily admit it: I'm absolutely terrible at shopping for groceries. It's not that I'm shopping for diamond-studded steaks or anything. I just never have a plan while I'm shopping, and that's what gets me in the end when I'm stuck with a batch of groceries that costs half of my rent. Good thing my mask hides the fact that my jaw's halfway to the floor.


This comprehensive guide to saving money at the grocery store from Yahoo Finance comes at a critical time when a lot of households are going to feel some financial stress. Plus, it's all solid advice anyway. Don't be like me.

One of the main suggestions and one almost all of you know, is to make a shopping list, which seems like a no-brainer, but 85% of the time I just fly out the door without thinking about it. Big mistake. I almost always miss something I need, then buy a bunch of things I don't. Classic Dennis.

Another mistake people make is that they shop for specific recipes (something I'm guilty of occasionally). On average, it's likely that only two out of 10 of the ingredients in your recipe will be on sale in any given week. I know it's not as fun, but you should consider shopping around the items you already have at home and what big items are on sale in the flyer.


One other mistake I make is thinking that buying in bulk will net me the cheaper price per unit. But that's not always true. Scope out that tiny print on the price display and see what the price per unit says; sometimes you'll realize that the bulk deal isn't the best option after all.

There's a lot of good advice on the list and I highly recommend you check it all out, because I have a feeling it will save you at least some money. And don't be like me and shop while you're hungry, because you'll end up with some really weird things in your cart!

